Time spent reading for pleasure by average American adult per day

US Dept. of Labor

Time spent watching TV by average American adult per day

Nielson Company

Make America Read Again!
Help make the second Sunday in March a new holiday – BookSunday – a holiday where everyone gives books to their children, husbands, wives, partners, co-workers or friends! An overwhelming number of studies demonstrate that books are vital for knowledge, verbal skills, education, relaxation and general well-being. Yet 27% of American adults have NOT read a book in whole or part in the past year whether in print, electronic or audio form (Pew Research Center).
It’s time to change that!

Take the First Step & Take the Pledge!
Click here to pledge to give at least one book to one friend as a gift on March 14, 2021
No tricks, no charge, no gimmicks – just a simple promise to yourself to celebrate the first national BookSunday!

In the 1950’s, George and Mary Jane Cochran created a new holiday for their family ― BookSunday. They knew that a book could never compete as an exciting gift against the latest toy or gadget. So rather than letting books be tossed aside like a package of socks, they invented a holiday where all the gifts were books. In 2020, their son founded a non-profit organization to get people across the country to celebrate BookSunday.
Click here for the full story.

Take the Pledge Now!
“I pledge I will celebrate BookSunday on March 14, 2021 by giving at least one book to one friend or relative!”
Sign-up below to complete the pledge and to make sure you receive updates and reminders about BookSunday!

Take the Pledge!
Click here and pledge to give at least one book to one friend as a gift on March 14, 2021!